Personal Financial Planning Masterclass™
The Personal Financial Planning Masterclass is a program that empowers financial advisors and insurance sales people with knowledge and skills that help them offer viable solutions to their clients while diligently managing their finances and investments.
The Personal Financial Planning Masterclass program is run by highly experienced trainers from the Personal Finance Academy.
Exclusively for persons offering financial advisory services.
The program is for financial advisors seeking to sharpen their skills to serve their clients better and manage their personal finances and investments, these will include; Sales executives, marketing officers, unit managers, sales managers, sales representatives, account managers, financial advisors and insurance brokers.
Course Duration: 11 weeks
- Delivery Time: Mondays and Wednesdays 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
- Delivery Options: Open Class via Zoom and Physical at Company premises
Wahome Ngari, Lead Trainer, PFA
To learn more about our Lead Trainer,
View Profile
- Fees: Kes: 40,000 Per Person
- Pay via Lipa na M-Pesa, Till Number: 556495
- Pay via Bank Transfer (EFT) to Equity Bank Account no. 0550293979690
- PFP Masterclass manual with the relevant notes
- A one to one session with one of our financial educators
- Reference materials, electronic templates, exercises
- Confirmatory certificate of participation
- Graduation, videography and photography
- A free copy of Wallet Words Book
By the end of this program you will learn how to acquire:
- Bigger sales
- Higher premiums
- Better persistency
- Higher income
- Solid investments
- Stability
- Loyalty
Course Outline
Find below the course outline and curriculum.
- What is financial planning? Why is it important? What are the steps to achieving it?
- Avoiding the financial rat race
- Financial wellness assessment
- Financial wellness goals
- The personal financial planning journey
- Tools to use, components of the plan, revising the plan
- Personal balance sheet
- Interpretation of the net worth statement
- Financial planning concepts
- Life stages and financial planning
- Shelter, education, retirement, holiday and business fund plan
- Setting SMART financial goals and achieving them
- Focus on short term, intermediate and long term goals
- Shelter, education, Retirement, How do I convert an idea into a viable business?
- What are the various savings vehicles and how do they work?
- What are the investment arenas available? – Shares, unit trusts, forex, bitcoins, forex, land.
- Investment concepts from goats to gold
- Getting more from the self
- Pools of accumulation how make more
- What is my shape for financial success?
- What is my SHAPE for financial success?
- Using other people’s expertise in
- Shares
- Unit trust
- Forex
- Government Securities
- Choosing other experts
- Investing in real estate
- Business as a source of income
- Where is the money for the business?
- Healthcare – exercises, diet, regular tests- Medical insurance
- Records – Next of kin, Titles, Disclosures
- Perils on property – fire, blood, theft, property insurance
- Accidents – alternative source of income – accident insurance
- Wealth distribution – Estate planning – giving instructions
- Improving financial planning education
- Record keeping
- Review the financial plans
- Putting together the comprehensive financial plan.
- Implementation tools
- Measuring progress
- Upscaling and adjustments
- How and where to use the acquired financial
planning knowledge, skills and tools when
making impactful presentations. - How to professionally prepare for impactful presentations.
- How to use concepts in a Presentation.
- Tools to use for an impactful presentation.
- Making and documenting commitments.
- Graduation and award of certificates.
- Networking and socialization.
Are you a financial professional and you would like to sharpen your financial knowledge? Join our next Personal Finance Planning Masterclass!