Wealth Creation Masterclass™
The Wealth Creation Masterclass is the most practical, easy to apply, enlightening and life changing training program in the management of personal finances and investments. The program has been running since 2014. It is offered in the masterclass approach of a 2 hours, online participatory class session, twice per week for 10 weeks interspersed with homework’s and expert guided financial planning sessions such that on graduating every participant will have a written personal financial plan for execution.
The program is for you the professional, business owner or employed person seeking to better and manage your personal finances and investments diligently.
- Course Duration: 2 Hours per lesson, 2 days a week for 10 weeks
- Days Delivered: Tuesday & Thursday at 7:00pm – 9:00pm, EAT (GMT+3)
- Delivery Mode: Online via Zoom
- Delivery Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Fees: Kes: 40,000 Per Person
- Cash Option: Kshs 40,000 (And get a copy of Wallet Words books)
- Instalments option available – First Installment: Kshs 15,000, Second Installment: Kshs 15,000, Third Installment: Kshs 10,000
- Pay via Lipa na M-Pesa, Till Number: 556495
- Pay via Bank Transfer (EFT) to Equity Bank Account no. 0550293979690
- Wealth Creation Masterclass manual with the relevant notes
- A one to one session with one of our financial educators
- Reference materials, electronic templates, exercises
- Confirmatory certificate of participation
- Graduation, videography and photography
- Networking/Synergy with people of different backgrounds
- 3 months free consultation with the coach
- A free copy of Wallet Words Book
By the end of this program you will learn:
- Clarity in financial matters.
- SMART personal financial plans.
- Knowledge of various investment vehicles.
- Qualified personal financial plan.
- Comfort of making informed financial decisions.
- Knowledge of effective income management.
Course Outline
Find below the course outline and curriculum.
- What money means to different people including the hidden characteristics of money.
- Understanding how a person’s personality affects their money life including making financial decisions.
- A look at the rat race, how wealth creation works and identifying the determinants of our income in the current assignment.
- Identifying the financial issues in every decade in life and how financial products can address them (The financial journey of life).
- Introduction to the financial planning process, tools and measurement of financial progress at a personal level.
- Effective management of personal debts and contingency planning including how to use debt to create wealth.
- Setting SMART personal financial goals (short, medium and long term) with focus on the big five budget items in life.
- Planning for home ownership (costs, financing, process and the financial tools to use).
- Retirement Planning and the big opportunity to use financial products.
- Education financing planning (pre-school to tertiary levels).
- Holiday financing planning and financial tools to use.
- Personal development Planning and self-discovery to make more money.
- Introduction to cash flow analysis and budgeting (offer of free financial tools to use).
- The numerous cash traps and how to avoid them.
- Taking advantage of tax laws as a basis for smart living.
- Understanding investment fundamentals and factors that affect investment choices.
- Investment choices offered in pools including; investment clubs, chaamas, Sacco’s, bank accounts, pension funds, insurance policies etc. and how to make the best use of each to create wealth.
- The place of retirement schemes and life insurance products as investments.
- The high risk high return opportunities in shares and forex trading.
- The stable investment options in government securities, corporate bonds and unit trusts.
- The new arena of REITS, crypto currencies, derivatives, off-shore funds and managed capital.
- Investing in real estate, the opportunities and stability of passive income streams.
- The allure of getting into business, avoiding the traps for good gains.
- Is multi-level marketing and time share options worth our time?
- A field visit is organized for those interested in viable passive investments in housing.
- Identifying personal risks that need to be managed and the various risk management options available.
- Building a personal risks management armory in the areas of records management, healthcare and estate planning.
- Insurance as a tool for risk management (life, personal accident, motor and domestic package).
- The need for a personal record keeping organizer: what and how to.
- When and how to change a person financial plan including the methods of increasing personal financial literacy (becoming a professional).
- Compiling a comprehensive personal financial plan and the execution tools.
- Making and documenting commitments.
- Graduation and award of certificates.
- Networking and socialization.
Program Benefits
- Practical planning Knowledge, skills and attitude including financial tools.
- More income & revenue streams, solid investments, career stability and being a role model.
- A personal financial plan – qualified by a planning professional.
- A certificate in Wealth Creation.
- Free post-graduation hand holding by a professional financial coach.
Have you made up your mind, on starting your journey towards wealth creation? Join us on our next season of Wealth Creation Masterclass!